Montag, 21. November 2011
Wisdom teeth
I have four holes in my jaw: one for every tooth they took from me. Last Thursday I got my wisdom teeth taken out. Even though the docotr said it was complicated I slept really well. I'm not in pain at all and my face is much better now. It was swollen the last days, so I spent my days on the couch watching movies.

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Floorball: Region West: 3. Gameday
Even though I wasn't able to make it to the Game last Saturday we beat Bonn 4:1 and Dümpten 8:0.
We are still second behind Münster (Aasee), but only because of the goals.

Next games:
January 14 against Holzbüttgen and Münster.

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Floorball Cup Germany: 1. Gameday
On Sunday we drove 4 hours to Braunschweig for our first two games against Bremen and Mittelnkirchen. We played pretty well and beat Bremen 1:0 and Mittelnkirchen 3:0.

We are second behind Hamburg/Bordesholm.
Next games will be played on December 18.

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Every year November 11 is a huge party in Cologne. The Carnival session is starting at excactly 11:11am and everyone who can afford to miss school or work is dressed up and celebrating in the city. Well I couldn't afford to miss school so my friends and I went downtown around 6pm. It was still a very nice evening.

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